English Meet Jaisalmer’s police constable whose viral videos of battling fire are doing the rounds On the night of October 7 when the market at Nachna erupted in flames, Devendra Singh lept right in with...
English Will the Sur Mandal Fall Silent? — A Musician and a Craftsman in Jaisalmer Worry Chanan Khan is perhaps one of the last musicians who can play the Sur Mandal in the desert district of...
English Photo Essay: When A School Is An Architectural Marvel A school at a village in Jaisalmer, is turning heads as much for its architecture as its mission to educate...
English A cool school in the Thar desert provides free education to rural girls Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls High School in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan not only imparts free education and healthy meals to rural girls but...
English In these villages in Jaisalmer, every house has a traditional ‘beri’ to collect rainwater In the inhospitable terrain of Thar Desert in Rajasthan, centuries-old water conservation methods still flourish, and meet the drinking water...
English Living life on the borderline Over the years, the largest district in Rajasthan, Jaisalmer, has seen an influx of Hindu Bhil tribal refugees from Pakistan...
English A rural teacher’s Jhola Pustakalay in a desert village of Rajasthan School teacher Hardev Paliwal is committed towards girls’ education and safeguarding the environment. His bond with the school in Mandala...
English Jaisalmer: A principal ensures that kids who stood by the highway selling kair now study in a school Mahesh Prajapat, the principal of a government school in a village in Pokhran, Jaisalmer brings back students who stayed away...
English It All Adds Up For This Mathematics Teacher In Rajasthan Girija Ojha’s mission as a teacher in Pokhran, Rajasthan, is to demystify mathematics and get his students to enjoy the...
English Pipelines laid but no water; health centre barely functions — official apathy mars Pokhran’s nuclear-test-fame village On May 11, 1998 India successfully carried out underground nuclear tests at a site three kilometres away from the Khetolai...