If you want to work in a power company and are eligible then apply immediately, only two days are left.

Rural Electrification Corporation has 59 posts in Engineering, 22 in Finance and Accounts, IT (Assistant Manager) 02, Company Secretary 03, Law (Assistant Manager) 04, Corporate Communication (Officer) 01, Social Responsibility (Assistant Manager) 02 and Secretarial ( There are 02 posts vacant for Assistant Manager). Qualification: For Engineering, BE/B.Tech/ME/M.Tech degree or equivalent qualification is required as per the post. There should be three to five years of experience in the relevant field.

Maximum age is 33 to 44 years. For Finance and Accounts, one must have passed Chartered Accountancy/Cost and Management examination. For this one should have three to five years of work experience. Age limit is 33 to 42 years. For IT, one should have BE/B.Tech degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent qualification. For this, five years of experience has been asked. Age limit should be 35 years and 5 years experience in the relevant field. If you are applying for Company Secretary, then along with graduation, you should have membership of the Institute of Secretaries. Also, experience of three to five years has been sought. Age limit is 33 to 35 years.

For Law, one must have first class Law Graduate and five years of experience. Age limit is maximum 35 years. For Corporate Communication (Officer), one should have MBA degree or PG Diploma in Corporate Communication and Public Relations. For this, 3 years experience and maximum age limit is 33 years. MBA in Social Responsibility (Assistant Manager) or Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Social Work or equivalent. Must have five years work experience. Age limit is maximum 35 years. For Secretarial (Assistant Manager), one must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with minimum 50% marks. Along with this, shorthand speed should be 80 words per minute. For this, the maximum age should be 49 years and five years of experience. Selection Process These posts will be called for written test/skill test and interview.

All original documents of the applicant will be verified (checked) before the interview. Application fee: Unreserved category applicants will have to pay Rs 100. The remaining reserved applicants do not have to pay any fee. Fees have to be deposited online. Application Process Visit Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) website https://recindia.nic.in. There you can read the complete information related to all the posts properly and fill the application form online. Keep in mind that all attached documents should be created in a single file. The file should be in JPG/PNG/PDF format.