The Election Commission of India has announced polling dates for the upcoming assembly elections in five states — Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa, Manipur. The elections will be conducted in seven phases. Voting in Uttar Pradesh to begin in the first phase on February 10 and continue on February 14, February 20, February 23, February 27, March 3, and March 7.
Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa will vote on February 14 while Manipur will vote on February 27 and March 3.
Counting of votes and declaration of reults will take place on March 10.
A total of 690 assembly constituencies to go to polls across these five states. Elections will be contested for 403 assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh, 117 in Punjab, 70 in Uttarakhand, 60 in Manipur and 40 in Goa.
A total of 183.4 million electors including service voters will participate in the upcoming elections. Of these, 85.5 million are women electors. At least one polling station exclusively for women is mandatory in every assembly constituency. Besides, 2.49 million first-time electors are registered in the poll bound five states.
Meanwhile, Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra also announced that no road show, padyatra (foot-march), physical rallies shall be allowed till January 15 as the situation amid COVID19 pandemic is “dynamic”.
He also directed that all election officials and employees will be vaccinated with ‘precautionary dose’. They will be considered as frontline workers.
Meanwhile, India has logged 141,986 new COVID19 cases in the past 24 hours, taking active caseload to 4,72,169. Over 3,000 Omicron cases have been detected in the country so far.
So far, more than 1,500 million vaccine doses have been administered in the country so far with 90 per cent of the adult population vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine and 66 per cent with two doses. Over 20 million COVID19 vaccine doses have been administered to children in the age group of 15-17 years. Vaccination for this age group started five days back on January 3.
Also Read: No need for new registration for ‘precaution’ dose of COVID19 vaccine: Centre