Uttar Pradesh ranks lowest in NITI Aayog’s Health Index but tops its incremental ranking

Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana are the top three best performing states in Niti Aayog’s Health Index prepared in consultation with the Union Health Ministry and the World Bank. Although Uttar Pradesh ranks lowest in the overall health performance, it has shown maximum improvement over the past year.

In its latest health index report published today, on December 27, the NITI Aayog has ranked election-bound Uttar Pradesh as the worst-performing state in terms of overall health performance whereas Kerala has emerged as the top performer. Two other southern states Tamil Nadu and Telangana have emerged as the second and third best performers on health parameters.

However, in terms of incremental performance – performance improvement over the previous year – Uttar Pradesh has ranked number one among all the states covered as part of the exercise. 

India’s most populous state has registered the most significant incremental change from the base year (2018-19) to the reference year (2019-20). With a score of 5.51, Uttar Pradesh has shown the best incremental performance in health followed by Assam (score 4.35; rank 2) and Telangana (score 4.22; rank 3).

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This is the fourth time the health index report has been released. The fourth round of the Health Index considered the period 2019-20 as the reference year.

In terms of overall Health Index (large states), the top five states are Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The five worst performing states include Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand. 

In terms of overall Health Index (smaller states), Mizoram tops the list and Nagaland is the last. In the case of the Union Territories, D&N Haveli & Daman & Diu are ranked number one and A&N Islands are the worst performers. 

Mizoram has again emerged as the best performer in incremental performance among the smaller states whereas Goa has been ranked the worst-performing small state. 

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare collaborated with technical assistance from the World Bank to prepare the report.

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