Karnataka has surpassed Maharashtra, the state that has been reporting maximum daily cases, by reporting 39,305 fresh coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra has reported 37,236 new cases in the same duration. It is followed by Tamil Nadu (28,978) and Kerala (27,487).
In the wake of the rising COVID cases, yesterday (May 10) a 14-day complete lockdown began in Karnataka. A similar two-week complete lockdown is also underway in the neighbouring Tamil Nadu.
Meanwhile, the single-day rise in new COVID cases in the country has dropped to 329,942 new cases. On May 1, India recorded over 400,000 daily new cases for the first time since the COVID pandemic began.
The total COVID tally now stands at 22.9 million. The country has a total of 3.7 million active cases.
India has also recorded 3,876 deaths in the past 24 hours. Over 200,000 people have succumbed to coronavirus in the country, so far. On May 8, the country crossed 4,000 mark in terms of the COVID deaths.
As per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 1,850,110 samples were tested yesterday. Over 395 million samples have been tested up to May 10.
Yesterday, on May 10, more than 2.5 million beneficiaries were administered COVID vaccine, taking the total vaccine doses administered so far to 172 million. On May 9, only 689,652 beneficiaries were administered COVID vaccines.