The accused in Lakhimpur Kheri violence, Ashish Mishra, has appeared before Uttar Pradesh police for questioning, a day after skipping the summons. He was asked to come to the crime branch, Reserve Police Lines in Kheri district at 10 am on October 8 for questioning in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence that left four farmers, two BJP workers, their driver, and a journalist Raman Kashyap dead on October 3.
Yesterday on October 8, the police issued a fresh notice to the accused for appearance by 11 am today on October 9. The notice was issued to Ashish Mishra under Section 160 CrPC, which concerns attendance of witnesses.
Ajay Mishra, father of the accused, also Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, yesterday assured that his son will appear before the police today.
A First Information Report (FIR) was filed on October 4 against the Union minister Ajay Kumar Mishra’s son, Ashish Mishra accusing him for murder and conspiracy.
The FIR noted that he was sitting on the left side of the SUV and mowed down the protesting farmers. A viral video, reportedly from Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh, shows an SUV running over a group of protesting farmers who were walking on the road holding flags.
However, Union Minister Ajay Mishra and his son Ashish Mishra have maintained that he was not present at the spot and was not driving the car. “My son was not present at the place of Lakhimpur Kheri incident; have video evidence,” he was quoted as saying.
The opposition leaders have been demanding dismissal of the Union Minister Ajay Mishra and arrest of his son Ashish Mishra. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath yesterday stated that his government will ‘not arrest anyone on the basis of allegations’.
Also Read: Lakhimpur Kheri: Not satisfied with the steps taken by UP govt, says Supreme Court
Who is Ashish Mishra aka ‘Monu bhaiya’?
“A local criminal… a dabang (wrestler),” Surendra Rajput, spokesperson Indian National Congress, told Gaon Connection when asked about the Lakhimpur Kheri accused Ashish Mishra.
Rajput quoted a 2000 incident when reportedly Union Minister Ajay Mishra was named in the murder case of a 23-year-old youth who was shot dead in the Tikoniya area of Lakhimpur Kheri district. Ajay Mishra was reportedly acquitted in 2004, but the family of the victim filed an appeal in the Allahabad High Court, and the case is still sub-judice.
“Congress demands dismissal of the accused minister and arrest of his son Ashish Mishra,” Rajput said.
Gaon Connection could not independently verify these allegations on the accused in the case.
Meanwhile, Gaon Connection also contacted BJP party workers from Lakhimpur Kheri over allegations made by opposition party members. “Opposition leaders coming here don’t know the ground reality, if you ask local people here they would tell who is the real gunda (gangster),” Sharad Mishra, party worker, told Gaon Connection.
According to Sharad, Ashish Mishra has been running a pre-poll campaign in Lakhimpur Kheri district. Ashish was hopeful of bagging a ticket from Nighasan for the upcoming Uttar Pradesh elections next year in 2022.
Reportedly, a few posters were put up in the Nighasan area that read ‘Yuvaon ki pukaar, Monu Bhaiya abki baar’ (the youth are calling for Monu Bhaiya this time).
“He was an active worker of the BJP. To set a narrative about the member of parliament [Ajay Mishra] and his son is wrong. His [Ashish Mishra] nature is very nice,” said Sharad.
As per Sharad, Ashish used to hold a janta darbar (public meeting) tolisten to the woes of people. “He used to talk to people very nicely. He is a positive person. Jan pratinidhi (a public representative) cannot commit such crimes because they know what would be its impact. Public does not vote for a gangster but a public representative,” said the BJP party worker.