MBBS and nursing students on COVID19 duty in Himachal Pradesh to get between Rs 50 and Rs 100 a day

The move has been soundly criticised, as being too less for the dedicated work healthcare staff put in, and the endless hours of work. Meanwhile, it was announced that healthcare workers who complete 100 days of COVID duty will receive the Prime Minister’s Distinguished COVID National Service Samman.

The healthcare system in the country has been stretched beyond compare, and healthcare staff have struggled to cope — hospitals are overflowing with patients and there’s a massive shortage of medical oxygen and life-saving drugs.

The next shortage is expected to be that of medical personnel. And so, many state governments have put forth proposals to rope in final year students of medicine and nursing to serve in hospitals, and pay them an incentive for it.

The Himachal Pradesh government has gone ahead and issued a notification dated May 3, where it is said that 4th and 5th year students of medicine, contractual doctors and junior and senior residents will receive an incentive of Rs 3,000 a month, or Rs 100 a day, for those deputed in government medical colleges and hospitals and dedicated COVID centres. 

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Social media has been abuzz with criticism for the meagre incentive, with people comparing it to MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act 2005) daily wages, which is higher.

Incidentally, it has been reported that a committee appointed by the Union government has suggested, based on July 2018 prices, the minimum wage should not be below Rs 375 for any work done for the government, private establishments and individuals. It also suggested another model with five wage slabs, varying between Rs 342 and Rs 447. 

The Himachal Pradesh government notification further states that nursing students and contractual lab staff  would get Rs 1,500 a month, or Rs 50 a day. 

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The amount would be met by the Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority or the State Disaster Relief Fund, the notification added.

Recently, it was reported that during the high-level virtual meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Centre was mulling rewarding those who have served in COVID wards for 100 days with government jobs as well as monetary rewards. They will also receive the Prime Minister’s Distinguished Covid National Service Samman, it was reported.

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