In a letter written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee stated today, on August 5 that the COVID19 situation in the state might turn grim if vaccine supply is not increased.
“Presently, we are administering four lakh doses per day and are capable of administer (sic) 11 lakh (1.1 million) doses per day. Yet, we are getting much lower number of doses despite having a very high population density and a higher rate of urbanisation,” Banerjee wrote in the letter to the Prime Minister.
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Banerjee also alleged that the Centre is being partial about sending COVID19 vaccines to West Bengal.
“I am sorry to say the central government is providing a larger number of vaccine doses to other states. I have no problem if any other state receives higher number of vaccine doses, but I cannot remain a mute spectator to see Bengal deprived,” she added.
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“So, my earnest appeal to you is to see that Bengal receives adequate vaccine doses as per its requirement,” she appealed PM Modi in the letter in the letter.
The state reported 826 new COVID19 cases and 10 more deaths yesterday, on August 4. Also, 838 more people were reported to have recovered from the coronavirus infection, taking the recovery rate among the coronavirus patients in the state to 98.11 per cent.
Also, over 30 million people have been inoculated in the state so far.