What women and children received from Budget 2022

“Our govt has comprehensively revamped schemes of the Ministry of Women and Child Development such as Mission Shakti, Mission Vatsalya, Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0. Saksham anganwadi have better infrastructure providing improved early childhood care; 2 lakh anganwadis will be upgraded under the scheme,” announced Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

In India, 158 million kids are registered with the 1.36 million functional anganwadi centres spread across all the districts in the country (as of June 2018).

The Union Budget 2021-22 document shows the combined budget allocated for the Saksham scheme, which includes four programmes: ICDS, Poshan, creches, and scheme for adolescent girls, was Rs 20,105 crores.