
November 23, 2021

Rabi cultivation in Lalitpur takes a hit as farmers complain of fertiliser shortage

It is the season for the rabi crops and farmers in Lalitpur district in Bundelkhand region need DAP-NPK fertilisers to prepare their lands. However, there is a continuing shortage of the fertilisers, they complain, while authorities steadfastly deny it. A control room has been set up to address fertiliser procurement issues.

Arvind Singh Parmar
November 18, 2021

As shortage of fertilisers continue to plague farmers, the central government says there is enough and more

There have been farmer agitations, appeals and even deaths by suicide allegedly due to shortage of fertilisers in the country. While the government says there is no shortage, farmers continue to be plagued by unavailability, overpricing and blackmarketing of the indispensable DAP and NPK fertilisers.

Arvind Shukla